November 10, 2013


最终他们也毕业了 就这样我们都成为了日新校友 =D
曾经一起在走廊嬉戏的我们 终于都毕业
即使年龄的差距 但并不成为我们玩乐的障碍
午休时间 走廊上 抛在脑后的课业, 身份和职位
高中三? 还是初中三? 只记得我们都是日新的小孩
那群山脚下的孩子 黄花树下的学生
尽管的玩 汗迹弄湿了校服 那群人却是更开心。

弟弟 毕业了!
当初妈妈还担心他会留级可是六年还是顺利的过 而且还能上台领毕业证书 棒!

想起当初的我已经泪流满面了 :'(

还记得大家笑我 !

 人山人海 找不到弟弟!

 恭喜!帅呆了 <3

 那束绿色的花是暗恋他的女生送的 哈哈哈哈!


 亲爱的baby雯 <3

 Tan family!

还记得因为你们不专心 气到哭了 哈哈哈哈
也恭喜你顺利的毕业了 一点点的欣慰 =D

眼镜党 少了baby雯,子须还有我!!
曾经一起玩乐 一起过情人节的朋友<3

November 09, 2013

#when daddy and mummy when for honeymoon

09 August 2013
Just found back these photos at my camera!!

 Our first day breakfast. 

 Wow! So thick!! And WITHOUT CUCUMBER! This is mine!

Brother was making his giant burger! 

Brother's! We are the vege lover ever! 

Sister's! Look not so delicious! Hahahaha!! 

Emmmmm HAO CHIIII <3

 Noon, prepared for our tomyam steamboat. 

 Hen hui xiang shou de wo men!

 Tadaaa! Vege again =D

Prepared the champagne too!

 CHEERS!! Celebrate our freedom!

 Tom & Jerry. our favorite cartoon ever!

 Love the effect! Curtain in the glass.

 The second day lunch!


Prepared the cream for doing the layer cake.

Third day breakfast. And I start feel tired to prepare every meal for them!

 Homemade layer cake. The outward is fail but the taste good =D 

Kiwi with blueberry!

Those few days really damn tired!
And I told mummy be your daughter is better to be a elder sister!
Mummy just said, ''xian zai ni zhong yu zhi dao wo zhao gu ni men you duo lei!''

November 07, 2013

November 03, 2013


21st of June, 2013 #throwback

The first time we whole class go for study trip but without Agnes :(
But we still play like no tomorrow!

Yay everyone in bus, I'm the person who late even live in nearest!

Tigger on board #again

Watching running man when everyone are sleeping.
Laugh without sound is a kind of hard!!

#day1 Visited Archidex

Girls say cheeseeeeee ; )

#day1 #night At Tom dick and Herry's live

Everyone in spectacles. Smart?
#Mr Max with Miss Irene

#Mr Lam/ Jonathan

#Mr Kent

#Mr Keven

#Mr Aaron with Miss Vinnis

Menu on top! It's so creative. A LIKE!

#day2 Headed to Genting!
We bought the Go Genting ticket it was a very worth package.
Rm 60 included bus transfer, skyway and outdoor theme park!

Reached! Lunchie here! Monkey pose behind!

While waiting. Miss Xing acting strong after she vomit hahaha!

Everyone are here!

The first game that we played. #pirateship #gals vs guys

Roller coaster time! Two short gals are in the limit range. 

Guy classmates, they always like to act toothache in photo!

#eyes pain. Kent still dreaming when others change the new pose.

#tu ru qi lai de jing tou. Say Hi!

Those playful people cant take the skyway back and take the bus on time!
Run here and run there but still miss the earlier skyway.

At the end we pay again and take the other bus.

Everyone slept. 

But here, the most gentle person. He stand almost 2 hours!

Mr Lam slept at the steps there!

Reached KL. #day2 #night

Black and White images on wall! 

Surprise! Birthday boy and birthday girl!

#day3 #lastdayhere
5 person in room! zi ran xing de zao chen <3

Because we woke late, everyone have finished their breakfast!

After shopping at Time Square, say goodbye with Keven.
The end.

#The next day back to college and see each others sleepy face.