April 28, 2013

#Day by Day

阿嫲的安慰, 安抚了那奔腾的泪水.
她说: ''不哭不哭, 一年的时间很快就过. 先苦后甜, 你那么棒 未来的日子肯定比我过得好.''

找不到疏解压力的方法 什么时候会垮下!

"這一刻 愛吧 2013"

現在式 ﹣ 愛情考卷

過去式 ﹣ 最後的第一次約會

未來式 ﹣ 98度愛 該沸騰嗎?

The three stage of love..Past tense, Present tense and the Future tense..
How do u LOVE?

April 17, 2013

女人心 海底针!

I'm sure 90% of female will be like that! 
N O T   O N L Y   M E !

April 14, 2013

The night, I enjoyed!

The song replay every day of the week <3

Cover by Jason Chen and Megan Nicole.
The same song, but sang out a different feeling!

'Taking a step at a time'

Sing Sang 'SHOUT'
It's just much of 'woooo' when the night without any assignment!
But the next day, it would be a guilty day! 

April 08, 2013

Doze off 24 + 6

Hope I can have the extra 6 more hours in my life!
What a tired life, what a tired day..

The brain will not stop to work,
Think when I was sleeping, sleep when I was thinking..

But I still have to 'enjoy' my life!

April 03, 2013


Without any assignment, it's really a simple way!