November 30, 2012

我不是败家女! 我要努力读书赚多多多多的钱就可以买很多很多很多美美的衣服..

November 25, 2012

doesntwantbethatbigbiggirl! doesntliveinthisbigbigworld! butitisabigbigthingifyouleavemereallymissyoumuch!!


nobodyknowhowmyfeelingnow ididntsaynobodyknow wakeinanightmarewhocanitell nobodykeepinmydeepdeepheartforeverandever everydayhardworkinganoleinmyroomno anytalksnoanyjokejustaboringroomforme sickforonedaybestgirfriendsmsme feeltouchmisshermuchhopeucanstaybesidemewheniamnotinagoodmoodalways badboyfriendforgottowakemethesecondtimessosadsosaddisappointed feellikedoesntwanttodoworkdidnthaveanymotivation comeonmanwhyibecomesolazyandlazier fuuckoff ineedapillowandabed hatethedamnshitfuckinglife!

November 19, 2012

When the wind blow, a pain in my heart..
Angry but I can't curse out loud.
Next time don't leave me alone at bus stop in rainy day for so long please :'(

November 17, 2012

Wet my diary again..
Dad, you overestimated my ability..
I'm not that good to be independent on my homework.

November 05, 2012

''给你一颗小爱心,让你今天笑嘻嘻 =)''
A sentence for her today <3

After class we had mathematics discussion..

Graduation ceremony, we promised to keep in touch with each other..

Nothing will influence our relationship!

 Our pictured she keeps in her purse..

A best girlfriend who always give me support .
Those photos show how much she loves me.

November 03, 2012

我不是任性 只是不想做自己不喜欢的事 =(
